Tool Storage for the Rest of Us

Tool storage – is it the most controversial subject in the craft? People have debated it. Great books have been dedicated to it. Philosophies have developed and wars fought over it (well, at least flame wars). I’m quite sure many woodworkers spend their entire woodworking careers pursuing it. Here, I’m going to put the subject to rest. In my opinion, the cheapest, most efficient and flexible way to organize and protect tools for the majority of woodworkers is to just hang ’em on the wall. The literal and proverbial nail in the wall to hang your hat works equally well for chisels, planes, saws and whatnot.

I say it’s the most efficient method because storage, organization and use are all rolled into one. There is no forethought on what tools must be removed from a chest or drawer then temporarily stored on a bench or shelf for the task at hand. When it’s on the wall, you just grab it, use it and put it back. You won’t forget where you put it last because it’s always in the same spot. It’ll always be ready and waiting for use. It’s this efficiency that I love so much.

It also completely eliminates the traditional woodworking characteristic of an underdeveloped object-permanence due to the refusal to leave the “sensorimotor” stage. No more, “where did I put that?” Undoubtedly, those who don’t store tools within eyesight end up with drawers filled with the same screwdriver, tape measure, chisel and uneaten snacks. All drawers eventually become junk drawers. It’s an evolutionary fact.

Read the rest and see the video on Popular Woodworking's Blog.

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