Scratching that teacher itch via print, internet and YouTube. Remember it's "always worth the effort to learn, create & share with others.”
I've had bad experiences with charity auctions so prepare yourself. This is going to be a rant. But at the end I'll offer a solution. Hopefully you'll disagree and offer a better idea.
I spend a lot of time in the shop doing monotonous work. Like the 2000 finger tops I need to finish before November. Listening to podcasts is a nice distraction as it keeps the mind sharp processing how others view topics. The best ones will both entertain and infuriate as both keep you thinking. Now as a self-diagnoses teacher (an unidentified disability) there is one mantra in the content creator “maker” community that sends me into a rage induced stupor. “I do this to inspire.” And boy did I go off today.
If you were to break woodworkng into five parts: harvesting, processing, drying, building (what most people consider woodworking) and finishing I think processing is the most underated aspect of the craft. Most "woodworkers" don't think about it.
FYI - I have these 4 charcoal illustrations up on eBay (wortheffort) as part of my table saw drive. Ends this weeke…
Articles ‘wortheffort’ on Popular Woodworking’s Blog.